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withastro/astro — 5 days ago

Minor Changes

  • #12047 21b5e80 Thanks @rgodha24! - Adds a new optional parser property to the built-in file() loader for content collections to support additional file types such as toml and csv.

    The file() loader now accepts a second argument that defines a parser function. This allows you to specify a custom parser (e.g. toml.parse or csv-parse) to create a collection from a file's contents. The file() loader will automatically detect and parse JSON and YAML files (based on their file extension) with no need for a parser.

    This works with any type of custom file formats including csv and toml. The following example defines a content collection dogs using a .toml file.

    id = "..."
    age = "..."
    id = "..."
    age = "..."
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